Thursday, June 11, 2009

Going Home - Or Not

Yesterday, Wednesday, Angela had her studies, which didn't get finished until about 1:00. After lunch, breathing treatment, and a walk, she was resting and getting ready to take a shower when the social worker came in and said her doctor was sending her home if the results of the test were negative, as expected. I felt terribly unprepared as I expected a day or two's notice and still felt there were unresolved issues. Anyway, after talking them over with the doctor and with her reassurance, I was OK with it, except for not having the house the way I wanted it for her to come home, like clean sheets on the bed, etc., and the fact that it was too late to arrange for things like a walker, cane and bath seat, that we will need.

But while the paperwork was being done and transport coming to get her - which took a couple of hours = Angela dozed off and wasn't really able to wake up for me. The nurse was able to wake her up and she said she felt like her blood sugar was high. The tested it and it was again over 400, so they gave her insulin and decided to keep her overnight. I am so glad it happened there and not after she came home. That was one of the issues I felt needed better addressing, but I don't think the doctor was aware that this has been happening frequently. Her sugars had been much better the previous day or two in Mercy than they had recently at the rehab hospital.

The fatty liver diagnosis explains most of what is going on, but it doesn't deal with the anemia. She's staying pretty stable, not getting worse but not getting better, either. Maybe there is some connection to the fact that they draw blood from her every time they turn around. Anyway, they decided to give her two more units of red cells last night. She should feel stronger today. The cause of this needs to be figured out. The hosipital doctor wants her primary doctor to order a bone marrow biopsy.

So, I expect I will be bringing her home this evening, 72 days since she's been here!

Praise God!!

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