Sunday, May 16, 2010

A long hike

Yesterday, Angela was told that Dr. Fredericks, her San Francisco hepatologist still wants to repeat the right heart catheterization along with the liver biopsy. She had assumed that since her pulmonologist here recently repeated the right heart cath that it wouldn't need to be repeated in SF. She got quite upset and said she won't let them do it because there's no reason. I tend to agree with her, but I'm also more compliant and since they are planning to do both procedures from one stick, I don't see how it will really hurt her more. Dr. Fredericks apparently doesn't trust the results done here - he's sure her liver troubles are caused by congestion from heart/lung failure, but the study doesn't show that. Anyway, I pray that either Angela goes along with the program or we see some other way.

This morning we went on a hike. There is a trail we had seen from the little park outside the rehab hospital that Angela wanted to check out. She walked to where it started with me pushing the wheelchair so she could sit if she got tired and to carry the oxygen. It turned out to be paved and wide enough for the wheelchair, so she decided to start up it and didn't stop until the end, even though it was quite a bit of up and down. I bumped her oxygen up to 3 L/min and she stopped a couple of times for rest. It was a very good workout, and she's had a little nap after lunch.

One of her doctors told us he's working on the sleep study, so I'm hopeful that something will be worked out.

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