Friday, August 24, 2012

A Good Day

Today was the best day Angela has had since last Thursday.  She was mostly not confused, ate better, and worked hard at physical therapy.  I'm trying not to get too excited, as I try not to get too down when things don't go so well.  But I am thanking God for the progress she has made.  She is wanting the NG tube out, but is not convinced yet that it is in her best interest to take all her medications.  This, however, is not new.  So, for now at least, it will have to stay in place.  I hope we'll be able to have a happy Sabbath.  Her roommate went home today, so unless someone else moved in tonight we may have a "private" room, though I'm surely not counting on it.  We found last weekend that the Physical Therapy gym is a quiet place when no one is there (they close for Saturday and Sunday).

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