Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A Bump in the Road

Today, Angela developed a fever, and her blood culture showed bacteria. We were told this was not unexpected and is very treatable. She was started on Vancomycin and given Tylenol. Because of the infection, the PICC lines she had in her arms (they make it easier to give her IV fluids or medicines and draw blood for testing) were removed. According to the nurse, bacteria can hide on those lines so they needed to get outta there. That makes it much more difficult for her IV and for when she needs blood drawn - her veins are very difficult to stick. This evening the IV that was started this afternoon had to be removed because it wasn't working right and another one placed. They would like to wait 48 hours before reinserting another PICC line.

She isn't really conscious, though she sometimes appears to be able to answer simple questions or follow simple directions. She is very aware, though, when the nurse performs her "oral hygiene" and makes a very unhappy face. Being stuck for IVs and blood tests also provokes a reaction. She did seem to calm down some when I rubbed her feet. Her sedation medications continue to be decreased. Today, the Versed was stopped. The only thing left of that type is her pain medication.

Her extremities have an occasional sort of tremor or slight spastic movements - perhaps the result of the Ketamine she was on. Hopefully, this will decrease as it gets out of her body.

She has been quite stable on the ventilator and is trying to breathe on her own some, especially when she is agitated.

She appeared to be resting peacefully when I left, though she still had a fever.

I know we have to be prepared for some setbacks along the road, but they sure aren't as fun as yesterday was. Anyway, a new problem is another subject for prayer, and we sure continue to thank God that He has brought her this far.

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