Friday, April 24, 2009

More baby steps forward

This morning, Angela's CO2 was down to an acceptable level. Respiratory Therapy lowered her % oxygen to 40. Her chest x-ray looks better. So, things are looking up. She has gained something like 25 pounds of fluid since being admitted. Apparently, that is not unusual, but she is now to the point that they are giving her a slow Lasix drip so she can get rid of it. I think that will be another big help.

There was discussion about again trying her on a regular ventilator. They really want to change her over, but not before she is ready. It may be tomorrow, but most likely will be soon. When that is successful, they will try to get her off the rocking bed she's on and if she tolerates that, start decreasing the sedatives and let her begin waking up.

I was reminded again today that were it not for the Oscillator ventilator she is on, or a spectacular miracle, we would have lost her. She is still considered fragile, but to me she seems much more stable than even a few days ago.

We are so thankful to God for His continued healing of Angela. Even though she can't apparently hear me, I'm always telling her that Jesus is right there with His arms around her, healing her lungs. I wonder if she'll remember that when she wakes up.

We are also thankful to each of our friends, family, and even those we don't know for your prayers. So many people are praying for her, and we are so very grateful.


Nancy Boyce Curtis said...

Terri: I went to school with you at TA and just want you to know I am praying for Angela and you and your entire family in this difficult time for you. Never lose faith or hope! God definitely has His arms around you! Keep talking to Angela...I believe she hears you. I've been a critical care RN for years and I always tell my families to talk to their loved ones no matter what! Hold onto your faith! Nancy (Boyce) Curtis

LynnDel said...

Greetings from the state of Virginia. I hope you were all able to rest well and further progress in healing today. Hugs, LD