Thursday, April 30, 2009


When I arrived this morning, Angela greeted me with a smile around her ET tube. It was a strange-looking but beautiful sight. She was alert most of the day. Physical Therapy came in and started her exercising her arms, back, and legs. She's not ready to stand yet, but that may come soon. Her rash and itching are much better. Her fever is somewhat better. Her bowels still aren't moving like they should. They tried a few things today, with limited success. One problem is that if things get backed up it can push on her lungs, and they don't need any squishing!

She was able to enjoy some get-well cards and a small bunch of flowers, which she isn't really supposed to have in ICU, but her nurse said that was just a "guideline". She also watched a little TV. I expect she is a little bit tired of the CDs I've been playing almost constantly for her, but I hope they did the job of helping her stay calm when she was unaware of what was happening.

We continue to marvel at God's blessing and our hearts are filled with gratitude.


caspersmom said...

What a lovely way to start the morning, with a smile. So glad to hear that Angela is making good progress. Prayers do work. Go Angela

LynnDel said...

Praise the Lord! Hugs, LD