Thursday, April 16, 2009


I'm writing this blog to let those who are interested know how God is working in Angela's health.

Angela is in Mercy Hospital in Redding, CA with Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome, apparently caused by viral pneumonia. She is getting better, but by baby steps, some forward and some backward.

Her life support consists of an oscillator ventilator, a rotating bed, a feeding tube, and nearly a dozen IVs.

The oscillator ventilator breathes for her, but not anything like normal breathing - it's probably around four times a second, and very shallow, making her belly look a little like she is laughing heartily. It is being used because the regular ventilator was not keeping her stable. This type of ventilator is used often for premature babies, but the ICU staff tells us they only use them on adults about every six months - they are reserved for people that fail the regular ventilator. Oxygen is forced into her lungs and then out. As of this evening, she was on 70% oxygen. Considering that she started at 100%, this is an improvement, but considering that room air is about 21% oxygen and that the 2 liters per minute she previously used at home translates to about 29% oxygen, she still has a ways to go. Her saturation rates are staying between 87 and 92, more or less. The goal is to lower the percent oxygen that she is given while maintaining those saturation levels. It is done in small increments, and sometimes has to be set back because her saturation rate lowers.

Yesterday, she had a very good day, with saturation levels remaining in the desired range while percent of oxygen was gradually decreased, to as far as 60%.

Today was a more challenging day. She is sedated for several reasons, one of which is to keep her from fighting to breathe on her own. She wants to be awake, and the staff is having a difficult time keeping her sedated. She has tried to talk, but we can't understand what she says, and that is very frustrating for her.

Mike's sister Kathryn came up from Turlock to stay with me for a few days, and I really appreciate that.

Tonight, when we left the hospital, Angela was sedated and seemed peaceful. We left her CD player with some music on for her. Her oxygen percent was at 70, and she seemed to be maintaining her saturation. I guess because of the difficult day, the plan was to just maintain her over night, without necessarily trying any further to lower her oxygen percent. I have learned, however, that plans are very fluid.

She had some visitors from her church today. I don't think she was aware they were there, but they had prayer with her and me. It was nice to know that others also care.

The physicians, nurses, respiratory therapists, and everyone else we have met at Mercy are superbly competent and caring, and we know she is in the best place she could be. Of course, she is in the Lord's hands, and we know He will keep her and heal her if that is His will.

I'll try to post here at least daily, to keep you informed of her progress.

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